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The Lab's Mission

Growing tomorrow’s ethical, entrepreneurial and innovative leaders, today

The ELI Lab

The Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation Lab @TheWoodsAcademy

As our lives become increasingly driven by technology, children need the skills and expertise to thrive – not just survive – in this “new normal.” The Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (ELI) Lab @TheWoodsAcademy is a program and space for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 to apply critical 21st century skills in real world situations. Here, they learn how to use complex technology, express themselves, solve problems, and create opportunities as innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Our program can be described with a simple equation:

STEAM + Liberal Arts = The ELI Lab

Students participate in real world collaborative projects and gain critical skills for their future success, including collaboration, critical thinking, communication, character, and creativity.

From robotics, coding, and business development to strategic investing and food science, students learn from The Woods faculty, other seasoned teachers, and business professionals:

  • Entrepreneurship and Investment explores personal finance, investing, public speaking, and entrepreneurship. Students have the chance to start their own businesses and connect with entrepreneurs and business leaders.
  • Science and Food brings students closer to the methods used in food production by exploring the science of food and promoting inquiry, health, and wellness.
  • Computer programming and coding, including robotics combines science, technology, engineering, programming, and math to teach the skills for the modern world, including creativity and communication, through real-world experiences and complex physical and digital creations.
  • Leadership bridges a significant gap in leadership development and improves critical skills while providing a keen understanding of the social and environmental issues impacting the world around us.