Grade 8 Capstone
The Grade 8 Capstone Leadership Project at The Woods Academy is an end-of-year reflection where students look back on their time here at The Woods. They showcase examples of how they have embodied the four pillars of The Woods Academy — O.W.L.S. — throughout their time here and outline their plans to uphold these principles in the future. One of our recent graduates, Santiago D-L., describes his personal experiences implementing and exemplifying these pillars during his time here.
Open To Growth
The willingness to accept the challenge of always pushing to do more than what is required of me. That mindset will assure me that I will succeed.
Since I arrived from Argentina at The Woods in Grade 6, I’ve embraced the challenge of adapting to my new reality. When I came to a country where a different language was spoken, it was tough at first, but the support of The Woods teachers and friends that I made along my journey helped me overcome these new challenges. I am proud to say that The Woods gave me the tools to develop new skills that made me more resilient and also guided me to get accepted into the high school of my choice.
Willing To Live My Faith
I live my faith by attending Mass on Sundays and participating in the sacraments. The confirmation has made me closer to God. Reverence, Understanding, and Courage are among the seven gifts of the holy spirit that I’ve received in confirmation. We also thank God for everything he has given us. I have also given back to the community by helping people pack food for the ones in need.
Leaders In Their Community
I have been a leader through my participation in The Woods soccer team. I was the captain for the 3 years that I have been here and also received the coaches award each year. I have always encouraged the boys into soccer because I love the sport.
Striving For A Just And Joyous Life
Striving for a just and joyous life for me means working hard to make things fair for everyone and finding happiness in what you do. It's about treating people with kindness and respect while also enjoying life's moments and opportunities.
In conclusion, I feel that The Woods has helped me grow as a person, becoming a better friend, student, and member of the community. The Woods has given me the tools and confidence to achieve greatness. Every day at The Woods was a happy day for me. I will always remember the staff and teachers as my family and will always remember these lovely three years of my life.