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High School Placement

Girls in white dresses are standing side by side, smiling and holding roses in their hands.


The Woods prepares all students for the intellectual and social challenges at public, independent, and Catholic high schools. The Class of 2022 and 2023 were both awarded over $200,000 in merit based scholarships to area high schools. 


The High School Process at The Woods

At The Woods, we pride ourselves in knowing each child individually. This principle is so relevant as we work with our Grade 8 students and their families on the high school placement process. The success we have seen with our students is a direct result of a personalized process, engaged families, and well-prepared students who succeed at the next levels.

The Head of School and the High School Placement Coordinator work together to help parents and students navigate the high school admissions process by:

  • holding information nights during the spring of the Grade 7 year and fall of the Grade 8 year,
  • conducting meetings with each set of parents to discuss choices,
  • publishing a high school planner,
  • disseminating information on high school fairs and open houses,
  • hosting in-school visits from area high school admissions representatives,
  • discussing each applicant with high school admissions directors,
  • informing parents and students of programs available within each high school,
  • maintaining a strong relationship with secondary schools and an awareness of the programs they offer,
  • sponsoring a practice High School Placement Test (HSPT) in the fall of the Grade 7 year and administering the fall HSPT at the school,
  • providing information on test preparation tutors and courses,
  • offering standardized test practices in English and math classes,
  • holding practice admissions interviews,
  • helping each Grade 8 student prepare a middle school resume, and
  • offering ongoing one-on-one support to students and parents during the high school admissions process.

High School Acceptances

Bullis School
Connelly School of the Holy Child
DeMatha Catholic High School
Edmund Burke School
Georgetown Day School
Georgetown Preparatory School
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
Gonzaga College High School
Holton-Arms School
Landon School
National Cathedral School
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Sandy Spring Friends School
Sidwell Friends School
St. Andrews Episcopal School
St. Anslem's Abbey School
St. Johns College High School
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
The Academy of the Holy Cross
The Potomac School
Boys are standing side by side, dressed in suits and focused on the front of the room.