Our Parent Community
The Woods Academy Parent Teacher Organization (WAPTO)
Welcome to The Woods Academy Parent Teacher Organization (WAPTO)!
There are so many ways for you to participate in life at The Woods. We are truly a community, and we encourage you to get involved in any way you can. It’s a great way to meet other Woods families, teachers, and staff.
All parents and guardians are members of WAPTO. Your participation enriches our community. With the variety of events we sponsor, there is something for everyone!
2024 - 2025 WAPTO Board
Contact any members of the WAPTO Board to learn more about our organization or if you would like to get involved. In addition to the WAPTO Board, each grade level has a Parent Ambassador who helps increase outreach to all Woods parents and provides opportunities for families to feel part of The Woods community.
WAPTO Events At-A-Glance
Below is a snapshot of some of the events and initiatives The Woods Academy Parent Teacher Organization oversees and helps with. For exact dates and more details, current parents are encouraged to visit WoodsNet, our parent portal.