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The Woods Academy Annual Fund

The Woods Academy Annual Fund in Bethesda, MD

By supporting The Woods Academy Annual Fund, you help enhance everything we value at The Woods: a program of excellence, integrated curriculum, personalized attention, and a faith that guides students to serve others along the way.

Support The Woods Academy Annual Fund Today!

What does The Woods Academy Annual Fund Support?

The Woods Academy Annual Fund enables our school to provide students with an exceptional education rooted in promoting students’ academic excellence, spiritual growth, and character development. Gifts to our annual fund make an immediate impact on our school operations and benefits all members of our community. Give a gift today.

Every gift to our annual fund creates unrestricted possibilities!

Giving Levels

Giving Level

Donation Amount

Visionaries $20,000+
Head Philanthropists $10,000 - $19,999
Benefactors $4,000-$9,999
1975 Leaders $1,975-$3,999
Patrons $1,000-$1,974
Friends up to $999

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

2024 - 2025 Annual Fund Parent Reps

The Woods Academy's Annual Fund Parent Reps play a vital role in reaching our dollar and participation goals each year by reaching out to their peers and encouraging them to make a gift to the Annual Fund. Each division at The Woods (Montessori, Lower School and Middle School) have a parent rep. Thank you to these individuals who are volunteering in this important role! 

Alexis Wetzler

Montessori Annual Fund Rep

Catherine Hannon

Lower School Annual Fund Rep

Katie Wisecarver

Middle School Annual Fund Rep

The Woods Academy Crest
A group of students in a circle outside with Mrs. Erica Hiken.

I love that it is a small community where I can really get to know my students and their families.”

Mrs. Erica Hiken Grade 3 Teacher

Mr. JP Clubbs standing in the classroom smiling.

Since the beginning, The Woods Academy was more than a school. It is a community, extended family. In particular, from students to parents; faculty, staff, to administration, people support each other through personal and professional growth.”

Mr. JP Clubbs Grade 7 and 8 Social Studies Teacher

Mrs. Erin Ricca smiling with two students.

I love that the Woods is such a nurturing community. For a small school, we offer so many different opportunities for our students. I have worked at the Woods for so many years because I enjoy the many relationships I have built with students, parents and my colleagues.”

Mrs. Erin Ricca Athletics Director

A group of students is smiling and dressed nicely.

What a blessing it is, watching our three boys walk into the Woods Academy together each morning with smiles on their faces, greeted by faculty who know them by name, and by friends who are happy to see them and are equally happy to be there. The Woods is a place where our children feel safe and comfortable; a place that has been key in building their education, character and self-confidence; a place that has provided continuity during tumultuous times. The friendships we have developed here are priceless to us, and we contribute not only because we want to preserve and bolster these experiences for them, but because we wish to ensure equal, if not better experiences, for those who come after we have departed.”

Ingrid and Steve Gobien Current Parents and Parent of an Alumni

Ignacio Ascanio Aliño

The Woods Academy has helped me in so many different ways, but it helped me to develop the ability to adapt to any circumstance, which is very useful in life. It helped me, a nine year old at the time with barely no level of English, to adapt to a very different culture with patience and through the school’s values. I want to give thanks to the faculty for helping me along the way and I can’t wait to visit soon.”

Ignacio Ascanio Aliño Class of 2018

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