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Montessori students playing outside on the playground

News from Campus


Every year the seventh graders travel to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown for their Grade 7 overnight trip. We spent a total of 3 days and 2 nights, and the hotel we stayed at is called The Woodlands, and it’s in Williamsburg. Our first stop was Jamestown. During our visit to Jamestown, we were able to see authentic recreations of different sights.

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Interview with Ines Vega

At the Woods Academy, we strongly support volunteering in our free time and giving back to the community when we can, in whatever ways we can. Alumni parent Ines Vega is someone who shows these values in The Woods community.  Ines Vega has frequently volunteered in different ways and has served on the Woods Board of Trustees since 2019.  When it came time for the recent renovations of the school, Ines played a major role.  I hope you enjoy this interview with Ines Vega, who helped manage the school renovations. 

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Navigating Intent vs. Perception

This past week in Wellness Class, we talked with the Grade 7 and 8 students about “intent” versus “perception,” or in other words, what a person means to say versus what the recipient actually hears. We discussed how in a perfect world, someone’s intent is perfectly synced up with the received perception. The person receives the message in the exact way that we intended to send it. But…in reality, it often does not work that way. 

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Grade 6 students acting out their skits.

Learning a new language is always an exciting journey, especially when it involves fun and practical activities. This year, our 6th grade Spanish class has been engaging in a unique and interactive way to master their language skills: practicing skits about going to a restaurant.  The culmination of their hard work was a real-world experience at Uncle Julio's, a local Mexican restaurant, where they put their newfound knowledge to the test.

Read More about From Classroom to Cuisine
Grade 3 student standing in front of his invention presentation.

Through the months of April and May, Grade 3 students embraced the world of inventions! To get our students into the mind of an inventor, we tasked them with researching the great inventors throughout time. Each student was assigned an inventor to study and complete an informational poster about. The students were asked to find details about the inventor’s personal life as well as information about their inventions. The posters included the inventor’s name, his/her invention, how the invention worked, when it was invented, improvements made to it over time, and if we still use the invention today.

Read More about Invention Convention
A Kindergartener student presenting her book to her classmates.

As summer approaches, and we prepare to leave school behind for another year, we teachers have the honor of watching our beloved Kindergarten students “graduate.” This ceremony is quite a production, filled with singing and dancing, poems, awards, and diplomas. And while graduating Kindergarten is an important milestone, it is far from the most important thing that our Kindergarteners have accomplished this year. Not by a long shot! Children who are given the gift of a Montessori Kindergarten year change and grow in non-traditional ways which no other curriculum can mimic

Read More about The Importance of Kindergarten in Montessori

The Woods Academy Blog

The Joys of Summer Reading & Limited Screen Time

While summer is supposed to be a time for relaxation and a slower pace, it can be hard to find that peacefulness when you’re overscheduled with swimming and diving, camps, and inconsistent schedules. We all know it’s important to limit screen time, in general, but trying to do so during summer months can be hard. Here are a few benefits of reading this summer vs. consuming digital medi

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The Importance of Outdoor Play for All Children

In today's digital age, where screens dominate and schedules often seem overstuffed with academic pursuits, the significance of outdoor play for young children cannot be overstated. Beyond simple recreation, outdoor play serves as a cornerstone for development, fostering physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being in young minds. At The Woods Academy, we know the importance of educating the whole child. That includes preparing them for the everchanging 21st century world, but also making sure we are educating our students to be well-rounded individuals.

Read More about The Importance of Outdoor Play for All Children
Family Mission Statements

Many of our community members often describe The Woods Academy as their second home, which makes sense as children spend more than half of their waking hours at school during the school year. Because children spend so much time at school, a collaboration between parents and schools is essential as this partnership can have a profound impact on a child’s growth and success.

Read More about Family Mission Statements

The Woods Academy Magazine - Summer 2024

The Owl Post (Student Newspaper)

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